Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries

Pet owners are often curious or worried about the food that they are giving to their animals. They often wonder if the food is nutritious or even safe for their pet. So, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

This is no different when it comes to Bearded Dragons or any other reptile. Especially with lizards that eat fruit and veg, it can be difficult to know exactly what to feed them.

Many species of lizards can eat a wide variety of fruit and veg but can Bearded Dragons eat Strawberries? We are going to look at this in more detail in this article.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries

Why is it important to know what my Bearded Dragon can Eat?

As with all living creatures, Bearded Dragons have specific dietary requirements. They need to be fed an appropriate amount of protein, fats and carbs to sustain themselves.

On top of this, they need to receive an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. While supplements can help to achieve this, it is always best to get as much nutrients from actual food.

Therefore, it is very important to not only understand what a Bearded Dragon can eat, but what nutritional benefit it can bring to their diet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Yes, a bearded dragon can eat strawberries and this fruit can be offered as part of a balanced diet for your pet lizard.

These sweet berries can be a great treat for your lizard as many Bearded Dragons love them. However, due to their high sugar content, they should only be offered on moderation.

The high sugar content shouldn’t put you off this fruit entirely as they have some great health benefits and provide your lizard with plenty of nutrients.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries every day?

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to feed a Bearded Dragon Strawberries every day due to the large amount of sugar in them.

Just like in humans, sugar can cause a number of different health issues such as tooth decay and obesity.

Strawberries also have a high phosphorus to calcium ratio. This can make it difficult for the lizard to absorb the calcium and in extreme cases can lead to Metabolic Bone Disease.

What are the Benefits if Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries aren’t all bad though and they offer some vital nutrients to your lizard. They are also loved by many Dragons and a treat every once in a while, is good for any animal.

These berries have a much lower Phosphorus to Calcium ratio than many other fruits. Phosphorus can inhibit your dragon’s ability to absorb Calcium which can lead to diseases such as MBD.

Strawberries are a good threat as there is only slightly more phosphorus than calcium in them, meaning there will be no risk when strawberries are offered occasionally.

Strawberries also have a high-water content which will give your dragon a hydration boost. These juices are also full of minerals.

The minerals that can be found in strawberries include Calcium, Potassium, Manganese and Dietary Fibre. These essential minerals play a vital role in keeping your Bearded Dragon healthy.

What kind of Strawberries can a Bearded Dragon Eat?

Can Bearded Dragons eat strawberries of any kind or are there only certain types of Strawberries that these lizards can eat?

There are over 100 different types of Strawberry plants and you can feed all of these to your lizard so there is no need to worry about what type of Strawberries you are buying.

However, like any fruit or veg, it is best to buy organic as this will help ensure there is no chemicals or pesticides on the fruit. Even organic plants should be washed thoroughly to ensure they are free of anything nasty.

Can Bearded Dragons eat Strawberry Leaves?

When feeding Strawberries to a Bearded Dragon, most owners only feed them the juicy fruit and throw away the leaves.

This is often because they are unsure if the leaves are edible or simply overlook the fact that they are. The entire Strawberry plant is edible and people even use the leaves themselves to make tea.

The leaves of the Strawberry plant even contain very beneficial properties such as being high in antioxidants and can help with digestive regulation.

Can Bearded Dragons eat Strawberry Seeds?

Yes, a Bearded Dragon can eat Strawberry seeds so there is no need to try and remove them from the fruit before offering them to your lizard.

These seeds are perfectly healthy for your dragon and are too small to pose any kind of choking hazard.

However, too many seeds can be difficult for your lizard to digest but as long as you are feeding sparingly, this shouldn’t be an issue. It is not uncommon to find undigested seeds in your Bearded Dragons poop.

How can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

It is a good idea to feed your Bearded Dragon organic Strawberries as this will help ensure there is no chemicals or pesticides on the fruit. Even organic plants should be washed thoroughly to ensure they are free of anything nasty.

Inspect the strawberries to ensure they are fresh and then wash them thoroughly. They can then be cut into bite sized chunks and placed in your lizard’s water bowl.

What other Fruit can you Feed a Bearded Dragon?

Fruit is an important part of a Bearded Dragons diet as it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that aren’t easily obtained from other sources of food.

However, the drawback is that most fruit contain high levels of sugar which isn’t good for them. Because of this, it is estimated that around 10-15 percent of a Bearded Dragons diet should be made up of fruit.

Some of the different types of fruit you can offer them include apples, pear, watermelon, grapes, blackberries and blueberries.

What Vegetables can a Bearded Dragon Eat?

Another important element of a Bearded Dragons diet is vegetables. Veg can make up a large portion of their diet.

You should offer a variety of different vegetables to ensure that the lizard is getting as much nutrients as possible.

Some of the vegetables you can offer include lettuce, kale, broccoli, bell peppers and watercress.

Do not feed them iceberg lettuce as this is almost pure water and offers no nutritional value for your lizard.

What insects can a Bearded Dragon Eat?

Insects will make up the majority of a Bearded Dragons diet. Not only do Beardies love insects but they also provide them with exercise as they chase the insect around their enclosure.

Crickets and Dubia Roaches are the most common insects fed to these lizards. However, variety is key here also and you should offer other insects also when possible.

Some other insects you can offer include mealworms, super worms, hornworms and silkworms. 

Mealworms are often the go-to food item when it comes to feeding lizards. The problem is they are not very nutrient dense. To compare, hornworms contain 10 times more protein than the same number of mealworms by weight.

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