Crested Gecko – Frequently Asked Questions

The Crested Gecko is one of the most popular species of lizards kept in captivity today. These amazing lizards were once believed to be extinct but since their rediscovery, their popularity and availability grew and grew as more and more people started keeping and breeding these arboreal gecko’s.

Here we will take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Crested Geckos. For further information, be sure to check out our comprehensive Crested Gecko Care Sheet.

Crested Gecko Care Sheet

How much does a Crested Gecko cost?

 There are a number of factors that determine how much a Crested Gecko costs. These include morph, bloodline, breeder reputation and age/sex of the lizard. The price of most Crested Geckos will vary from around 30$ to 300$.

The particular morph of a Crested Gecko will have an affect on their price. Some common morphs include the dalmatian, harlequin, pinstripe, patternless and so on. The intensity and colour variations of these morphs can be highly sought after.

This brings us to bloodline. Crested Geckos that have been selective bred over a number of generations can result in flawless representations of a particular morph with vibrant colour variations.

Breeder reputation is another factor that can affect price. While you would expect to pay a little more from a reputable breeder, do your research to ensure they are not overvaluing the lizard. It isn’t a bad idea to pay a little bit extra to ensure you are getting a thriving pet but you shouldn’t pay way over the animals market value.

Another factor that affects price is the age and sex of the lizard. Typically, hatchlings are cheaper as the owner has not invested the time and money raising them. Adult females are the most expensive option as they would be most sought after by breeders.

Adult males are often available at discounted prices. This is because breeders can’t sex the lizards until they mature so they will often end up with more males than they need.

Do Crested Geckos need UVB?

Crested Geckos do not need UVB light to synthesise vitamin D3. These lizards obtain the vitamin through the food that they eat. They do not need to bask in the sun to generate “skin-manufactured” D3.

This is because the Crested Gecko is a nocturnal species that lives in dense rainforests. Even in the wild, these geckos are not exposed to enough direct sunlight to process this vitamin naturally.

Vitamin D3 is a vital nutrient that is required in order for lizards to absorb and use calcium. Insufficient calcium or D3 can lead to serious health problems such as MBD.

While a Crested Gecko does not need UVB light, they do need these important nutrients. They can obtain these through good diet and supplementation in captivity.

Can Crested Geckos Swim?

Crested Geckos can swim but this is not natural behaviour for them. They are an arboreal species and are not considered aquatic or semi-aquatic.

While these lizards do have the ability to swim, keeping them in an enclosure with deep water is not advised. When soaked, their ability to stick to surfaces is reduced meaning they may have difficulty getting out of the water.

However, a Crested Gecko does like highet levels of humidity so regular misting is required in their enclosure. They also prefer to drink the droplets rather than drinking from a water bowl.

Can Crested Geckos eat Mealworms?

Crested Geckos can eat mealworms, but they should not make up the bulk of their diet as they provide the lizard with very little nutrients. They also have hard exoskeletons which can be difficult to digest.

Mealworms also offer very little stimulation for Crested Geckos. Other insects such as Crickets will be more difficult for the lizard to catch and will provide them with a bit of exercise.

In the wild, these lizards will feed on a mixture of fruit and insects. This should be replicated in captivity to ensure they receive all the nutrients they need. A balanced diet of insects and Crested Gecko diet, along with supplements will accomplish this.

Crested Gecko Care

Does a Crested Gecko need heat?

So, do Crested Geckos need heat? This really depends on where you live and the temperature of the room the lizard is kept in. These lizards don’t need to be kept as warm as other lizards.

They are a nocturnal species that lives in the dense shaded foliage where it doesn’t get too hot. They do well at temperatures ranging from 21C-26C which can drop as low as 16C at night.

If your room stays within these temperature ranges, these Geckos will not require any additional heat. If you live in a cold climate, artificial heat should be supplied by means of an overhead lamp. Heat mats are not recommended for Crested Geckos.

It is also important not to keep these lizards too hot. If you live in a very hot climate, you need to ensure the lizard isn’t exposed to extreme temperatures. Air Conditioning or a fan can help with this.

Can Crested Geckos live together?

Crested Geckos can live together providing the enclosure is large enough to accommodate a group. Only one male should be kept in an enclosure with 2 to three females. You could also keep a group of females together without a male.

These lizards can be territorial, so it is important that they have enough space and hiding places to feel secure. If there isn’t enough space in the enclosure, they will become stressed. Mature males should not be housed together as they will fight. This is particularly important if there is a female in the enclosure. Fights can result in serious injuries and tail loss is very common.

Most breeders house a group of geckos together in breeding groups. This usually consists of 1 Male and 2-3 Females. This ratio ensures maximum productivity without burning the male out. These Crested Geckos can live together year round but it is recommended to remove the male for a couple of months each year to give the females time off from breeding.

Where do Crested Geckos live?

Crested Geckos live on the Pacific Islands of New Caledonia. These islands are situated North-East of Australia in a remote section of the Pacific about halfway between Australia and Fiji.

They live in a humid, sub-tropical climate which should be replicated in captivity. While these islands get quite hot, Crested Geckos do not need to be kept at high temperatures. They are a nocturnal species that live among dense jungle where it does not get as warm.

How often does a Crested Gecko eat?

Crested Geckos can be fed every day or two. They feed on both live inspects and fruits. This should be replicated in captivity by feeding a diet of various insects and Crested Gecko diet.

Everyone has different routines for feeding their Geckos. If your routine works and your Gecko appears healthy and active, then there is no reason to change it. It is important to keep an eye on your lizard and ensure the are not getting too fat or skinny. Also monitor their calcium reserves from time to time, especially if you have a breeding female.

One common feeding routine is to give your gecko Crested Gecko Diet every evening and offer them a feeding of live insects on the weekend. Make sure to mix in an appropriate vitamin and calcium supplement to ensure the lizard is getting all the nutrients they require.

Another common feeding method is to feed your lizard every second day. Here, you will alternate each feed between CGD and live insects so on one feed your Crested Gecko will eat live insects and on the next feed they will eat Crested Gecko Diet.